Sign Server

Sign Server

Sign Server is an easy, safe, and auditable platform for digitally signing documents, timestamps and organizational seals.

Using one central signing solution rather than multiple distributed signing islands allows for better management, higher security, and lower costs. All signature operations are executed on the server side in one central location, where signature keys are stored and managed. For enhanced security, preferably within a Hardware Security Module (HSM), and users undergo authentication prior to signing.

Sign Server

Signe Server has two versions. One is developed in modern .NET SDK and the other in JAVA. Therefore, it can run on most platforms such as Linux and Windows. You can also easily run it in a container from Dockerhub. Some of the features of Signe Server are as follows:

  • Document Signing - PDF, PAdES, XAdES, CMS/PKCS#7
  • Key Store - HSM store, Windows store, Database store
  • Time-stamping
  • Organizational Seal
  • Validation Service - OCSP, CRL
  • RESTful API